1. Download the version of your skin and extract all files in the archive.
2. Copy the “Dark Skin and Dark Skin (Mixer HD)” folders to “…\Samplitude…\Bitmaps\” .
3. Open Samplitude and press (Y) in your keyboard. In the new window go to “Desing – Skins” and change the skin here.
4. Jump to “Design – Colors” tab and press “Load”. Load the file “Dark Skin Color.col” file. After that you can copy this file to the folder “…\Samplitude…\…\fx-preset”. All colours files are strored on this folder.
5. Right click on the the “Visualization – Peak Metter” and click in the “Settings tab”.
Click “Load” and load “Dark Skin Metter.xml” file, then Apply and press Ok.
After that you can save this file in “…\Samplitude…\…\fx-preset\VisualizationSam\Peak” folder.
6. Go to the main menu program window and click on: Options – Program Preferences – Font for Manager. Change the font type to “Arial (Bold) with 9pt”. Make the same process in: Options – Program Preferences – Font Selection
(Also make sure that you have Segoe UI font type installed in your system).
7. Restart the program and the skin is on.
8. Optional. Change the skin with in one click only. Press (Y) in your keyboard and go to the “Options Administration” tab and press import. (Yellow folder icon). Import the file “Dark Skin Settings.INZ or Dark Skin (Mixer HD) Settings.INZ if you want this skin”.
Press load and restart. That`s it. You can copy this file to “…\Samplitude…\User Folder”.
Note: This file will change your keyboard shortcuts program preferences, midi controllers, toolbars, etc . If you want to you use the default ones, or if have your own shortcuts keys saved. Go to Keyboard/Menu and click “Restore Default or press Import on folder icon. Do the same thing with the midi controllers and audio settings.
The other preferences you have to change it manually to the way you want.
Final note: Copy the (INZ, COL. & XML) files to the folders that I have mentioned before. This is important because if you want to jump to another skin, and go back to this one latter, or if the program crash… Some of this settings will be lost next time that you open Samplitude. The only thing that you have to do when this happens is: Load (INZ) file. But make your own INZ file with your program preferences.